The Commission des Cadrans Solaires (CCS) of the Société Astronomique de France (SAF) was created in 1972 and has over 300 members to date. The CCS specializes in gnomonics, the science of sundials and other instruments, such as astrolabes and nocturnals, for measuring time from astronomical objects. Its field of action also extends to the practical aspects of these instruments, their construction and their renovation.
The aim of the CCS is to preserve, extend, share and disseminate knowledge in these fields as widely as possible. It does this by developing a wide range of activities: biannual meetings, biannual publication of its Cadran-Info scientific journal, conferences, inventories of sundials and other instruments in France and abroad, scientific and technical advice, studies and research, support for safeguarding sundial heritage, etc.
The CCS is happy to welcome everyone: from beginners to renowned gnomonics specialists, sundial designers and makers, students and researchers, teachers, etc. It is this diversity that makes the value of our community and the interest in joining it.
It maintains close links with other associations specializing in the field around the world, in order to guarantee the international relevance of its activities and to disseminate its achievements beyond its borders.
For any information, please contact us.